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How global change factors influence the soil biodiversity and explores the underlying mechanisms. +86-592-6190791 xsun@iue.ac.cn

1. Urban ecosystem pattern, processes and driving mechanism
2. Landsenses ecology and ecosystem planning and management
3. Remote sensing in ecology and urban sustainable development

+86-592-6190681 lntang@iue.ac.cn

Pyrolysis (carbonization), gasification (activation) and clean combustion of agricultural and forestry/light industry biomass wastes, sewage sludge and food waste and coal; Technologies and equipments for producing gas solid fuel, biochar-based fertilizers, multi-functional carbon materials (including activated carbon) and process steam; Equipments for thermal desorption and harmless treatment of contaminated soil and resource treatment of aquaculture solid waste; Preparation of electromagnetic shielding materials; Resource recovery of solar photovoltaic modules, etc.

+86-592-6190787 yinwang@iue.ac.cn

Environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental monitoring, environmental simulation

+86-592-6190776 hxiao@iue.ac.cn

Environmental microbiology, Microbial electrochemistry and the applications, Resources recovery from wastewater

+86-592-6190527 yxiao@iue.ac.cn
machine learning and environmental data;Physicochemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols ;Source and impact of coastal aerosol; aerosol-cloud interaction 0592-6190781 wxu@iue.ac.cn
Aquatic/watershed ecology +86-574-86085949 yyxu@iue.ac.cn
Urban aquatic environments and biogeochemical research; Ecological restoration of eutrophic water; Watershed ecological environment protection planning; Environmental effects and ecological risks of emerging pollutants +86-592-6190993 czyan@iue.ac.cn
Freshwater ecology, protozoan biodiversity and ecology, microbial ecotoxicology, environmental monitoring and assessment
+86-592-6190775 jyang@iue.ac.cn
+86-592-6190560 xryang@iue.ac.cn

Urbanization and Global Changes, Urban Construction and Energy Usage Carbon Emission, Intensive Land use Evaluation

+86-592-6190653 hye@iue.ac.cn
Nutrient recovery from wastewater;Landfill leachate pollution control;Municipal solid waste management +86-592-6190776 zlye@iue.ac.cn

Environmental Geography: Mechanisms of environmental and ecological changes and biogeochemical adaptation in response to anthropogenic impacts

+86-592-6190778 syu@iue.ac.cn
Monitor of organic pollutants in environment and environmental toxicology
+86-592-6190519 xzhang@iue.ac.cn
Environment Microbial-Electrochemistry, Wastewater Treatment +86-592-6190766 fzhao@iue.ac.cn
Theory and technology of watershed ecological restoration,Science and engineering of human settlements 0592-6190771 snzheng@iue.ac.cn

Membrane separation materials and technology, high efficiency adsorption material and technology, advanced oxidation technology, electrochemical water treatment technology, rapid detection of pollutants, etc.

+86-592-6190785 ymzheng@iue.ac.cn
Biogeochemistry;Environmental soil science +86-592-6190997 ygzhu@iue.ac.cn
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